Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Job Roles

Today, Peanut got organized. We arranged ourselves into smaller sub-teams to better manage our work and to put our skills to good use. The sub-groups are;
      - 3D Artists
  • Sean
  • Callum
  • Danny
  • Liam
      - 2D Artists
  • Katy
  • Casey
Within these sub-groups, there are different and more specific job roles;
Sean: 3D Art, Texturing, 
Danny: 3D Art, Texturing,
Liam: Programming, Level Editing
Katy: 2D Art, Communications, 
Casey: 2D Art, Scaling, Research

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Pre-Production Planning

This week we have been working on the creation and importation of assets. We have improved our asset register and are currently in the process of creating individual Gantt charts for the group to help plan out who will make the assets and when. This kind of organization is essential in the development of our game, our pre-production planning has to be specific and precise. We also started on the A3 plans for our assets. We are drawing and planning out the creation and development of our assets, this is another vital part of pre-production.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Perspective Drawing

This is my one point perspective drawing that i produced in Rogers concept art class. There are many ways to approach a one point perspective drawing. I am going to show you step-by-step;

  1. With a pencil, lightly draw a straight line across the page. Then with the tip off your pencil create a point anywhere along the line. You have just created your horizontal line.
  2. From your dot on your horizontal line create plenty of light straight lines with a ruler, going every where do not over do this.
  3. Try and create boxes for the buildings body. Remember the front of buildings must be aliened with the point on your horizontal line. 
  4. After you have created the basic buildings, add the windows , remember that they are also aliened with the point. (look at the photo of the drawing)
  5. Once you have added windows you should have the hang of it. Try and create other stuff such as the flower box like I have.
  6. Once you have finished your sketch , rub out any lines that you don't need, and go over one side with pen. after that decide which you prefer pen or pencil, like with the above drawing,
If you haven't noticed the windows,roads,
and front of the buildings are all in
 line with the dot on the horizontal line,
 creating the one point perspective drawing.

If this hasn't helped you please comment and i will help you anyway i can but there are videos on YouTube that will provide more help for you to make a perspective drawing.